Life Long Unlearning Growth is not just about Learning…. BUT Unlearning. What do I mean by unlearning? Have you ever had an amazing business idea, that woke you from your …
Office Relationships… Are they doomed to fail?
Office Relationships… Are they doomed to fail? Scenario: It is 8PM on a Wednesday evening and everyone has left the office hours ago. You are sitting mapping out your companies next …
Friendship vs. Life
Gone may be the days of spontaneous road trips, staying at the bar until last call and day long movie marathons, but it doesn’t mean those friendships have to be. …
Love at first sight FACT or Fiction?
Love at first sight.. FACT or Fiction? The beginning of any relationship is like out of a movie, the “Notebook” doesn’t even come close to all the amazing emotions bubbling …
Am I In A Healthy Relationship???
Am I In A Healthy Relationship??? Aren’t new relationships just the best! The nervousness and excitement, not always knowing what to say or do, holding hands…. you know all the …